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Search Homes In Coppell

Celina Demographics Information

Things To Do In Coppell

Coppell Texas Population in 2011: 38,779. Population change since 2000: +7.8%

Males: 19,038 (49.1%)
Females: 19,741 (50.9%)

Coppell Texas Median resident age: 37.7 years
Texas median age: 40.8 years

Zip codes: 75019, 75099.

Estimated median household income in 2009: $106,328 (it was $96,935 in 2000)
Coppell: $106,328
Texas: $48,259
Estimated per capita income in 2009: $43,789

Estimated median house or condo value in 2009: $251,162 (it was $205,600 in 2000)
Coppell: $251,162
Texas: $125,800

Mean prices in 2009:

All housing units: $275,689;
Detached houses: $287,363;
Townhouses or other attached units: $144,999;
In 2-unit structures: $138,222;
In 3-to-4-unit structures: $206,236;
In 5-or-more-unit structures: $73,607;
Mobile homes: $37,888

Median gross rent in 2009: $1,057.

Bill Kukla Realty
Ph: 214-334-5344
5960 W. Parker Road, Suite 278-410
Plano, TX 75093 US
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