2. Get preapproved for a loan. Getting preapproved for a home loan can be the difference of you getting or missing out on the perfect home! It helps you know what you can afford, which makes the process easier and gives you an edge over other buyers.
3. Don't look at too many homes. It's easy to get overwhelmed and confused if you look at too many homes and get too many outside opinions. Make a "must have" list for the features that are non-negotiable, and then have your agent help narrow down the field. There are a lot of houses out there and you don't have to see all of them to find your dream home.
4. Keep an open mind. Be open to suggestions from your real estate agent! They might show you a home you didn't know you would love and you don't miss out on the home of your dreams.
5. When you find a home you like, learn about the neighborhood. A large part of your satisfaction with daily life revolves around the amenities, schools and neighbors where you live. After you find your dream home explore the area at different times and maybe meet the neighbors. This little extra research could help assure your perfect home is in the perfect place for you.